December 2020 Edition
As 2020 comes to a close, we can reflect on all that has happened this year. Amid unprecedented circumstances, you all took on new challenges, learned to adapt to an uncertain environment, and continued to provide exceptional diabetes care. We would like to say “thank you” to all of you who, despite many barriers, found success and continued to demonstrate excellence in diabetes care this year. In 2020:
  • 3 campaign participants shared best practices from the T2G Innovator Track Cardiovascular Disease Cohort at an AMGA Annual Conference virtual breakout session
  • 5 T2G award winners were recognized for high performance and innovation
  • 10 campaign participants published case studies highlighting interventions, best practices, and lesson learned from the T2G Innovator Track Eye Care Cohort
  • 10 medical groups and health systems successfully completed participation in the T2G Diabetes Bundle Collaborative, resulting in 8,000 additional patients under control for the bundle measure
  • 15 partners, experts, and T2G participants presented on 11 T2G webinars
  • 20 T2G participating groups held in-person and virtual T2G Talk & Taste events for this year’s National Day of Action, engaging 200 sites in campaign celebrations
We are thrilled with all that we have collectively accomplished through the campaign to date, and we look forward to finishing strong in 2021!
Questions? Email us at together2goal@amga.org

Upcoming Dates
No December webinar – happy holidays!

Jan. 11 : Abstract submission deadline for the American Diabetes Association (ADA) 2020 Scientific Sessions (learn more)

Jan. 21 – Monthly campaign webinar on the American Diabetes Association 2021 Standards of Care (register )

Campaign Spotlight

Thank you to everyone who joined us last month for our National Day of Action! On Nov. 5, we encouraged you to assemble your diabetes team for a final, celebratory T2G Talk & Taste. This year, we shared the T2G Campaign Highlights Video , recognized exceptional staff, and celebrated our campaign successes. We are pleased to share that 200 sites participated through in-person and virtual events this year! We are thrilled that so many of you were able to gather and celebrate your accomplishments throughout this campaign. To learn more about this year’s events, check out the 2020 National Day of Action Wrap Report.

Learn More

Resource of the Month

Diabetes in the Time of COVID-19 ECHO is a free CME/CE-accredited webinar series on complex diabetes care during COVID-19. The goal of the series is to empower primary care providers to address the needs of patients with diabetes in their communities who do not h ave access to routine specialty care. The first 16-week series of live webinars has been completed , with additional sessions on the way . Available recordings include a variety of topics such as diabetes distress, remote insulin adjustment, diabetes disparities, and more. Check out their website for the full series, which includes a presentation from our very own Foundation President Dr. John W. Kennedy on identifying h igh- r isk diabetes patients for COVID-19 t riage .

Learn More

As you continue to respond to COVID-19, AMGA continues to collect tools and resources from our medical groups and health systems. Click the button below to view current tactics and tools from members, our latest advocacy efforts, updated federal policies, and resources from payers and others.
Covid-19 Resources

AMGA Foundation - Together 2 Goal® Campaign 
One Prince Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703.838.0033 | Fax: 703.548.1890
Visit our website
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