Upcoming Dates |
April 18: Monthly campaign webinar on the T2G Campaign Extension (register)
April 25: Advance Registration Deadline for the ADA 79th Scientific Sessions (learn more)
May 15: Deadline to enroll in the Medicare Advantage Best Practices Learning Collaborative (learn more)
May 16: Monthly campaign webinar on Mental Health Integration and Diabetes Management (register)
June 3: 2019 Q1 data due (learn more)
Campaign Spotlight |
The Janssen Pharmaceuticals Companies of Johnson & Johnson has been involved with the Together 2 Goal® campaign since the launch and has now come on board as the new Presenting Corporate Collaborator for the extension. Thanks to their support, we will be able to provide new and enhanced resources and support to drive diabetes improvement over the course of the next two years.
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Resource of the Month |
Do you have a question about the extension, data reporting, or any other aspect of T2G? Reach out to your regional liaison! Our team has three regional liaisons: Lisa Cornbrooks, Carolyn McPhee, and Mallory Temple representing the east, central, and west parts of the country, respectively. Please refer to our regional liaison map to determine the region where you are located. Still not sure? Email together2goal@amga.org and the appropriate regional liaison will get back to you.
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