Welcome Checklist

Welcome to the Together 2 Goal® campaign! We look forward to working with you and your organization-as well as your fellow AMGA members-to collectively improve care for 1 million people with Type 2 diabetes by 2021.

As you familiarize yourself with the campaign and begin the planning process, please follow this Welcome Checklist to take full advantage of our resources:

  • Receive our communications. Our Together 2 Goal® team provides news and updates primarily via email. To ensure you and your team members receive these communications, please add the following emails to your safe senders list: together2goal@amga.orgmessenger@webex.com, and domains ending in @amgalist.org and @amga.org. If you would like additional colleagues to be added to communications, please send names, titles, and email addresses to together2goal@amga.org or to your regional liaison.

  • Send us your mailing address. Each participating medical group or health system can receive one complimentary print version of the Together 2 Goal® Campaign Toolkit and Campaign Toolkit Supplement. To request a copy, your organization’s Primary Contact for the campaign can email together2goal@amga.org or your regional liaison.

  • Submit your organization’s logo. To recognize your commitment to improve care for people with Type 2 diabetes, we will include your organization on our Participating AMGA Members webpage. You can also receive additional visibility on our homepage and other webpages by sharing your organization’s logo. To do so, please email a PNG version of your organization’s logo (width of 330 pixels) to together2goal@amga.orgor your regional liaison.

  • Review archived webinars. All individuals included on the enrollment form will begin receiving monthly webinar invitations immediately. Webinars are typically held on the third Thursday of the month from 2-3 p.m. Eastern. Please view the entire webinar schedule and review our archived webinars - particularly the Together 2 Goal® Introduction Webinar - here.

  • Familiarize yourself with data reporting requirements. Through reporting and analysis, the campaign will be able to evaluate progress toward the campaign goal of improved care for 1 million people with Type 2 diabetes by 2021 and provide blinded feedback and comparative reports to campaign participants. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the measurement specifications and reporting deadlines. Participating groups have two options for reporting data on a quarterly basis: web portal or Excel template. View our Data Submission webpage for access to these documents, as well as the User Guide. Please contact DataHelpForT2G@amga.org with questions about the data submission process.

  • Participate in our online discussion forum. You and your team members included in the online enrollment form have been added to our Together 2 Goal® discussion list. Hosted on AMGA Communities, this is an online platform as well as an email forum for campaign participating groups and systems to communicate with each other. We hope that this discussion list will serve as a resource for you and your colleagues to ask questions, seek and share resources, brainstorm solutions, and more. Before using this resource, please review the instructions, as emails sent to this address are disseminated to hundreds of your peers and functions as an email discussion platform. The email address, which can only be used by individuals at participating medical groups and health systems, is amga-t2g@connectedcommunity.org.